Eco park Jovan is located five kilometers south-east of Storuman, in a landscape of steep mountains, deep forests and sparse spruce trees, with a wilderness of old-growth forest and marshland. According to Sveaskog’s website, which describes Jovan Eco park, you are welcome to visit and enjoy the tranquility of the lichen-covered spruces, rippling streams and coniferous forest horizons. There are many miles to walk and explore, as well as traces of the Ice Age, timber rafting, trapping pits, forest fires and the capercaillie that thrives in the area.

We took the road from Storuman towards Skarvsjöby, turned off towards Pauträsk and continued for just over 1.6 miles until we saw the signs for Buberget and Eco park Jovan, where we turned off and followed the gravel road into the deep forest. After a tip on the information sheet at Sveaskog’s website, the brochure was downloaded on the phone, with plenty of information about nature, the environment and what you can see and experience in the area. After the road, there were two capercaillies puffing their chests as we arrived, a blueberry filled bear poo in the middle of the road and hanging lichen overgrown spruces. There were signs pointing the way up to Istidsstenen – popularly known as Big Stone – a fascinating remnant of the melting ice sheet. The strange stone formation was used by ancient people as a landmark and a place to rest on their walks between villages.

Our journey continued and we paused in several places to admire the scenery, enjoying the lingonberries in the woods, listening to the birds and the rushing of the stream after the last weeks of rain. There are several nice places along the way to stop for a coffee or just enjoy the beautiful views. Then there is an information board and signs to Jovanbäcken, where the Eco park bench is placed next to a nice little rapid and where the remnants of past rafting can be found with stone chests on the other side of the stream. A short walk through the forest, followed by a wooden staircase down to the rocks, leads to a lovely spot with a stone bench, a fireplace and a fantastic place to just sit and chill for a while!
Sveaskog’s brochure has lots of tips on experiences and excursions in the Eco park, and Björn Ferry and Heidi Andersson have also been on an adventure in the park and they tell us more about that here!