Exhiting fishing in our lakes and rivers

The fishing is excellent, with over 2,400 lakes and the Umeälven river providing endless opportunities for outdoor pursuits.
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Fishing permit points of purchase
More information about fishing in our area:
- Touristinformation – Storumans camping.
- S-O Macken
- Utrustad
- Slussforsboa
- Avasund Fiskecamp
- in each fishing area.
Rent a boat
Avasund Fiske & Camp
+46 (0)70 651 40 40, +46(0)70 651 68 40
Rent a canoe
SB Turism
+46 (0)76 141 84 73, +46 (0)70 553 53 96

The Umeälven river canal
There is an accessible fishing area with a ramp and the possibility of fly fishing. Stensele FVO has erected a windbreak and is responsible for the area. How to get here: Along the E45 towards Vilhelmina there is a rest area before the bridge over the Ume River. Turn off the road and follow the canal downstream to the site.

Experience the excitement
In addition to the famous pike fishing in Stensele, Lake Storuman offers a wide range of fish, from grayling, trout, char and rainbow trout to large, well-grown whitefish. If you want to fish in smaller waters, Avasund Fiske & camp, Gunnarbäcken, Långvattsbäcken downstream Grotjaur and Juktån are really good options. Many of the waters are near the centre of Storuman and the railway station.