Our brochures and maps
In Swedish; Tätortsnära friluftsliv. I den här kartan presenterar vi de vanligaste vandring- och cykellederna kring tätorten Storuman.
Friluftskarta Storuman – SV
Hiking Map
English version. Hiking map. In this map we introduce you to the most common hiking and bicykling tracks in the area of Storuman village.
Fishingmap eastern part of Storuman municipality
In Swedish and in english. Map and information of fishingareas in Storuman Lapland Area.
Välkommen till Storuman
Swedish version. Here are some tips on how you can discover our municipality and at the same time have a sustainable and environmentally friendly holiday.
Welcome to Storuman
English version. Map and information about the east part of our municipality. Places to visit on your holiday.
Willkommen in Storuman
In German Hier erhalten Sie Tipps, wie Sie unsere Gemeinde entdecken und gleichzeitig nachhaltig und umweltfreundlich urlauben können
Map of Storuman Centre
Trade and hospitality is an important function of our society. Here is a map of the town and Stensele, where we have marked the different businesses and their contact details on facebook and/or website.
Storuman Lapland Winter
What is unique and specific in this area? This folder tells about our area in Storuman Lapland.
In this broschure it is described how to come here, what activities we offer in the area and how to find more information and contact details.
Do you want any of these broschures?
Than send an email to info@storumanlapland.se with your address and what kind of brochure you want, and we will post you one!