Discover our tracks in the area nearby Storuman
There are several recommended paths and roads in the neighbourhood of Storuman. For more information about these trails, please refer to the outdoor map available at Storuman Tourist Information.
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Hiking tips

Lakeside walk and Badsjön
The residential areas of Sågnäset and Saljesnäset are connected by a lakeside path. The beach promenade offers nice views of the lake and the Badsjö area and one section of the path leads through a wooded area. We ask you to respect privacy and keep to the path when passing houses and gardens. The path passes a camping site with a bathing area, minigolf, frisbee golf etc. In winter the path serves as a snowmobile trail, but those can be used for hiking too. If you want to see the northern lights, this is a perfect spot with low light pollution.
Cykelsnöret Path
A path that runs along the north of the Gunnarbäcken river. It was originally used by rafters on their way to work on the river. It leads from E45-highway all the way to a nice resting spot on the banks of the river. The distance is 5 km.
Kyrkstigen Path
Be a pilgrim for a day, fight mosquitos and walk in the footsteps of our ancestors. About 1 km north of Storuman along E45-highway there is a white sign with the letters “Kyrkstigen”. This marks the start of the 6 km church path which was the old way of performing mandatory church duty. The path is easily accessible during summer thanks to footbridges over soggy ground and open water. When you get to Stensele the church is located due east along the E12 highway. It’s a good idea to combine the church trail with the cross-country ski trail or any of the water tower roads.
Hembygdsgården Local Museum
Luspholmarna consists of an array of small islets in Lake Storuman. The museum is situated in the Kåtaholmen homestead and it’s an excellent spot to visit in summer. Easily reached on foot, by bike, or in a canoe, the scenic area comprises sandy beaches and the local museum which houses old artefacts and an old bakery that is still in use. It can be booked on: +46(0)951-140 00.
Around Lake Noan
The trail starts in the village of Stensele and follows south along the old road to Vilhelmina via a 200-meter bridge across the Umeälven river. It is closed for traffic and perfect for walks. The fishing is good here too. Your next stop is Boxan where you can take a refreshing dip in the cool clean waters. To continue, turn left onto Noansvägen, a dirt road along the entire south side of the lake. If you’re interested in fishing, why not try your luck in the Storbäcken river? The road leads to Stensele dam by the E12-highway which you need to follow to return to Stensele. You can of course make the distance longer or more varied. For example adding the Rackokalvspåret trail (22) or the walk- and bike path (5) towards Storuman to discover more.
Ski trail
The cross-country ski trail offers many ways to exercise. In summer you can run, walk or bike and in winter, the trails are prepared for cross country skiing. During the darkest period of the year, the 15 km distance between Storuman and Stensele is lit until 9 pm. If you get exhausted, don’t worry, there are shortcuts in various places along the trail. At the ski stadium in Storuman there is a 1 km sprint track. In winter we also prepare a long-distance track and a day track. Dogs are welcome but must be kept on a leash and make sure they dont leave anything smelly behind.