Music, film and local offerings
Storuman Lapland offers a variety of activities and experiences and there is always something to do. Spending time on the ski slopes or running along trails and roads, hunting or picking berries in the woods are part of what our cultural offerings include.
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Culture is a broad concept. In Storuman, culture comes in many different forms, in addition to varied opportunities for exercise, hunting, fishing and forestry, the place offers crafts, art, film, music, theatre, local history with stories, buildings and attractions of various kinds. The fact that the municipality is also a Sami administrative municipality, with a large part of the population rooted in Sami history, means that the concept of culture is broad.

Music and Theatre
Storumans Musik och teaterförening – Storumans Music and Theatre Association has frequent collaborations with, among others, Norrlandsoperan and can therefore present many high quality musical adventures with artists, bands and orchestras in different genres.
Storumans Music and Theatre Society – facebook page»

Storumans Municipal Library
The municipal Library – Storumans Kommunbibliotek – are located in the towncentre of Storuman. They say you should read books to reduce stress and improve brain power – the library inspires and relaxes you while you search for an appropriate reading experience. The library was originally built as a hotel for railway travellers in 1923. In 1980 the building which the library is located in were K-marked and listed as an important building to preserve. At the library you can borrow books, read newspapers and see exhibitions. It is also possible to borrow a guest computer and access wireless internet

The Community centre -Folkets Hus
At Storumans Folkets Hus – the Community centre – films are shown in the cinema. The premises are also used for theatre and music performances staged in the cinema or the dance hall. The community centre is accessible to rent with rooms suitable for various activities. In the dance hall there is the possibility to use the catering and kitchen. The upcoming screenings and events is posted on the community centres facebookpage.

The Culture Academy
The local Culture Academy – Kulturakademinhas many specializations in the cultural arena, Kulturakademin has educated many young people in a world filled with richness in music, film, dance and circus school. The Academy is constantly developing new projects and activities that bring joy to local residents and visitors. The Academy’s performances are professional and well worth a visit when you are in the area.
The Culture Academy – Kulturakademin – facebook page»

The sapmi centre Aejlies is located in Tärnaby about 120 km from Storuman centre and has been created to strengthen the local Sami community, the idea is to develop the village of Tärnaby and preserve the Sami cultural heritage. The aim is to act as a Sami meeting place and creative hub, with a museum and has great importance as a visitor destination. The Sami language is the backbone and origin of Tärna and Sami life and language was the norm in the area until the early 20th century.
Churches, important buildings and homestead areas
Stensele Kyrka – the church of Stensele
Åskilje Kyrka – the church of Åskilje
Umnäs Kyrka – the church of Umnäs
Hembygdgården Storuman – Homestead Area in Storuman
Hembygdsgården Stensele- Homestead Area in Stensele