The area includes StentrĂ€sket and parts of HolmtrĂ€sket and UmnĂ€ssjön. There are hiking trails from UmnĂ€s to the lakes. To buy fishing permits:Skoterhotellet +46 (0)76 799 09 22Kjell Larsson +46 (0)70 …
The area includes StentrĂ€sket and parts of HolmtrĂ€sket and UmnĂ€ssjön. There are hiking trails from UmnĂ€s to the lakes. To buy fishing permits:Skoterhotellet +46 (0)76 799 09 22Kjell Larsson +46 (0)70 …
Within the common there are a number of lakes and ponds as well as some flowing water.It is possible to get trout, char, grayling, whitefish, perch and pike. However, some areas are leased out, see …
Sveaskog’s fishing licence covers parts of Lake Storuman and a number of lakes, ponds and streams in the eastern part of Storuman municipality. Buy your fishing licence locally: Fiskehörnan +46 …
The Stensele fisheries management association is now taking new steps to increase the availability of, among other things, fishing license. Fishing today consists of a very good supply of pike, …
The area is divided into two different fishing permits – one for the upper part of Lake Storuman from Slussfors to Forsnacken and one for KirjesĂ„n from the lower bridge over KirjesĂ„n to the …
The fishing permit covers Skarvsjön, parts of StorbĂ€cken, several lakes and parts of UmeĂ€lven below Stensele power station. There is a footpath from LĂ„ngnĂ€svĂ€gen to Mejvansjön. You can buy fishing …
The area includes PautrĂ€sket and Kalvsjön with the surrounding streams, including the upper part of PaubĂ€cken and BergtjĂ€rn. To buy fishing permits and information:Carl-Johan Svedberg +46 (0)70 318 48 …
Includes the waters around Luspholmarna in Lake Storuman. Here you can buy a fishing licence:SO-Macken +46 (0)951 105 44
The county administrative board manages waters located above the cultivation limit. The area includes many lakes, ponds and rivers. Here you can buy fishing permitsUtrustad +46 (0)951 200 …